
The CURC Webinar series is designed to share technical knowledge between program managers, student interns and others involved with promoting waste reduction on college campuses. Typically scheduled on the third Thursday every other month, CURC webinars cover a range of topics related to sustainable materials management such as material collections and processing, education and promotion and procurement. Each webinar is 60 minutes to 90 minutes and features prepared presentations from recognized collegiate recycling experts. All webinars are free to registered participants.


Upcoming CURC Webinars

CURC is looking for speakers and sponsors for each of these programs! Please use our speaker interest form to submit your proposal for any of these upcoming topics. Information about speaker expectations is included in the form.

Speaker Interest Form

Webinar Sponsor Form


Topic: Integrating Waste Reduction and Diversion into Academics

August 15 2:00-3:00 ET

Julie Muir  & Angela Vincent (Stanford University)
Ivy Beach (Warren Wilson College)
Rachelle Gould (University of Vermont)

Become a Sponsor


Topic: How to Write a Zero Waste Plan

October 17 2:00-3:00 ET

Become a Speaker

Become a Sponsor


Topic: Results & Findings from the 2024 Survey of Indoor Waste & Diversion Practices

November 7th 2:00-3:00 ET

Webinar Sponsor


Topic: Alternative Framing of Waste Reduction and Diversion

February 20 2:00-3:00 ET

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Past CURC Webinars (Archive)

The CURC Webinars series has produced over 50 programs since 2008. A full archive of slide presentations and recordings is available below.

2024 CURC Webinars

February 22    Leveraging Federal Funding for Campus Sustainability and Waste Reduction 

April 18           Reduce First: Plastic Water Bottle Waste Avoidance Strategies

June 20          Waste Reduction and Diversion at Large Scale Events

2023 CURC Webinars

February 16    Recycling and Waste Programs in Residence Halls 

April 20           Opportunities for Waste Reduction and Diversion in Laboratories

June 15          Conducting Waste Audits

August 17       Edible Food Recovery Programs

October 19      Striving for Financial Sustainability in Recycling Programs

December 21  Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Zero Waste


2022 CURC Webinars

February 17   Single Use Plastics Bans: Process and Partnerships

April 21           Measuring Waste as a Scope 3 Emission

June 16           Engaging Faculty, Staff, and Students for Waste Reduction and Diversion

August 18      Developing Institutional Waste Goals

October 20    Successful Free/Surplus Stores

December 15  Food Recovery and Composting on Campus


2021 CURC Webinars

February 18   Increasing Sustainable Purchasing: NERC’s Government Recycling Demand Champions

April 15           Safety & Sustainability: Reusable Dining during COVID-19

June 17           Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Your Program

August 19      Essential Workers as Essential Voices: Operations & Custodians in Waste Program Planning and Implementation

October 21    Integrating Reduction and Reuse Into Messaging

December 16  Diversion Upstream: Working with Purchasing to Prevent Waste


2020 CURC Webinars

February 20      Collaborations with Academics: Student Projects and Campus Engagement

April 16             Plastic Policy: Innovations on Water Bottle Bills, Bans and Behavior Change

June 18             Reaching Your Collaborators: Communicating for Connection and Education

August 20         Managing Surplus Property for Zero Waste

October 15        Food Waste Reduction, Recovery and Composting on Your Campus

December 17     Zero Waste Marketing Your Program: Strategies for Giveaways


2019 CURC Webinars

December 12    Focus on Reduce

November 14   Designing the Right Signage

September 26   Right-Sizing Your Collection Infrastructure

July 25              Mapping Your Waste Stream, and What to Do with It

May 30              State of the Recycling Industry

May 9                Campus Composting Best Practices

January 30        Using Competition to Improve Campus Recycling Programs


2018 CURC Webinars

May 1                     Optimizing Recycling & Waste Bin Infrastructure

June 14                  Using Waste Audits to Improve Recycling & Recovery Programs

November 8            Aiming Upstream: Waste Prevention Campaigns

December 6            Recycling & Reuse in The UK


2017 CURC Webinars

March 9                  Campus Reuse Programs

April 13                  Building Support for Waste Reduction Programs

June 8                    Recycling Collection Logistics at College Campuses

August 10              Engaging the Campus to Improve Recycling Participation

September 14       Measuring the Impact of Recycling & Materials Management

December 6           Food Waste Collections Across Campus


2016 CURC Webinars

March 10                 Moving Toward Zero Waste in Office Settings  

April 28                    Effective Education Programs to Drive Recycling Behavior

June 23                    Recycling & Waste Reduction in Campus Housing

September 8            Implementing Campus-Wide Bin Standards

October 20               Food Waste Recovery On Campus

December 14           Using Contracts To Advance Waste Reduction Efforts


2015 CURC Webinars

February 26              Getting Credit For Recycling & Materials Management

April 9                       Is Your Education Outreach Changing Behavior?

June 11                     Can That Be Composted? Should It Be? 

August 13                  Learning From Experience to Reboot Collection Programs

October 8                  Planning For Success

December 10             Quantifying Your Waste Reduction Efforts


2014 CURC Webinars

February 13              Making Move-Out a Sustainability Success Story

March 13                  The Science of Getting People to Use the Bin

May 15                     Taking Your Recycling Program to the Next Level

July 10                      A Different Look at Game Day and Special Event Recycling

September 11            Deep Dive into Food Waste Program Design

November 13             Creating a Leaner Campus Recycling Program


2013 CURC Webinars

February 14             E-Waste Recycling Program Expansion: Best Practices and Recovery Strategies

April 11                   Institutionalizing Recycling at Special Events

June 20                   Social Marketing Strategies to Increase Recycling & Reduce Waste

August 8                 Getting the Most Out of Your Recycling Bin Program

October 17              Composting Food Waste On Campus: Addressing Common Program Challenges

December 12           Opportunities for Source Reduction in Retail Dining Operations


2012 CURC Webinars

January 12              Special Concerns in Recycling: Lab & Hospital Waste

March 8                  Purchasing Processing Equipment & Vehicles for Recycling Operations

May 10                   Recycling Education and Awareness: Tools, Tips and Ideas for Campus and Community Outreach

July 12                    Business of Recycling: Contracts, Pricing, Financing & Budgeting

September 13         Composting: Handling Food Waste in Dining Halls and at Special Events

November 8             Measurement & Verification: The Role of Recycling in Existing Sustainability Rating Systems


2011 CURC Webinars

February                Residence Halls Move-Out Programs

April 7                    Equipment for Efficient Recycling Operations

September 22        Game Day: A Step Towards Sustainability in College Athletics

October 13             Market Assessment, Part I: Short- & Long-Term Trends

November 10          Market Assessment & Program Planning, Part 2: Saving Money & Maximizing Revenue


2010 CURC Webinars

September 2       Recycling and Beyond: Towards a Zero Waste Campus

December 2        Composting on College & University Campuses